On 10/04/2010 06:25 PM, pf at alt-ctrl-del.org wrote:

On 10/04/2010 02:48 PM, pf at alt-ctrl-del.org wrote:
Are there any existing scripts out there, that report connection counts by cidr 

parse.pl   /var/log/mail   cidr_list.zone

network                 count      983      121

On 10/04/2010 4:52 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
What's in that cidr_list.zone file?

pf at alt-ctrl-del.org wrote:
Simple list of cidr format networks, one per line.
Either a hand crafted list, or a full country .zone file from 

On 10/04/2010, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
This should work, although the standard disclaimers apply:

1. There's no error checking.
2. The regular expression for connections might not be correct.
3. It's slow.
4. I don't actually know Perl.


By saving one version with:
if ($line =~ ' connect from .*\[([\d\.]+?)\]') {

And another with:
if ($line =~ 'smtpd.*client=.*\[([\d\.]+?)\]') {

I can compare attempts vs success, from specific networks.

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