Let me take a step back.  Let us say that my
main.cf looks like this:

# i don't do local delivery on this machine, so:
mydestination = 
relayhost = outgo.arlut.utexas.edu
transport_map = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

and transport looks like this:

blarg.arlut.utexas.edu   smtp:[blarg.arlut.utexas.edu]

If I send mail to some...@example.com, transport shouldn't
get involved, right?  Or, maybe the map is consulted but
since there's nothing for example.com in there, it doesn't
act on it.  The transport_map parameter doesn't
turn off relayhost entirely, does it?  example.com should
honor relayhost's value.  Right?

Don't confuse this with my earlier post.  I'm investigating
that as well.  But everything I read doesn't directly address
the above question.  Am I to understand that transport_map=value
existing at all means relayhost=value is ignored?  Because
that doesn't seem natural to me.  Relayhost ought to be honored
when the transport_map is irrelevant -- well, that's what
I've been expecting.  Is that part of what I'm doing wrong?


Jay Scott               512-835-3553            g...@arlut.utexas.edu
Head of Sun Support, Sr. System Administrator
Applied Research Labs, Computer Science Div.                   S224
University of Texas at Austin

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