On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 10:56:57AM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Vincent Lefevre:
> > On 2010-11-04 10:44:34 +0100, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de wrote:
> > > >>The access(5) man page says:
> > > >>
> > > >>      domain.tld
> > > >>           Matches domain.tld.
> > > >>
> > > >>           The  pattern  domain.tld also matches subdomains, but only
> > > >>           when the string smtpd_access_maps is listed in the Postfix
> > > >>           parent_domain_matches_subdomains   configuration  setting.
> > > >>           Otherwise, specify .domain.tld (note the initial  dot)  in
> > > >>           order to match subdomains.
> I can replace that "Otherwise..." sentence by a separate list item.
>        domain.tld
>               Matches domain.tld.
>             The pattern domain.tld also matches subdomains, but only
>             when the string smtpd_access_maps is listed in the Postfix
>             parent_domain_matches_subdomains configuration setting.
>        .domain.tld
>             Matches subdomains of domain.tld, but only when the
>             string smtpd_access_maps is not listed in the Postfix
>             parent_domain_matches_subdomains configuration setting.

I like this. I think it's clearer. I, too, once misinterpreted this 
passage, and whilst it might not qualify as a postfix-users FAQ, it 
does come up regularly here.

Perhaps some more flesh could be added here as well:

parent_domain_matches_subdomains (default: see postconf -d output)
       What  Postfix  features match subdomains of "domain.tld" 
       automatically, instead of requiring an explicit ".domain.tld" 
       pattern.  This is planned backwards compatibility:  
       eventually, all Postfix features are expected to require 
       explicit ".domain.tld" style patterns when you really want to
       match subdomains.

Such as:
       Possible strings include debug_peer_list, fast_flush_domains, 
       mynetworks, permit_mx_backup_networks, qmqpd_authorized_clients,
       relay_domains, and smtpd_access_maps.

       Note: the leading dot ".domain.tld" pattern is ignored for
       features which are listed in parent_domain_matches_subdomains.

The string list is taken from my own postconf -d, are there others 
which might be used in some cases? I guess all of those except 
smtpd_access_maps would be hyperlinked; and maybe that could link to 
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