Thanks to ALL.

I made it using the header_checks method using

header_checks = regexp:/usr/local/etc/postfix/header_checks

in header_checks:
/^Received: from/                       IGNORE

Seems to work like a charm :-)

The VPN way certainly was another valuable thing but of course it'd need 
lots of additional work on all the client computers and so it wasn't the 
quickiest way.

However, the header_checks thing was a ver quick and easy solution.

Thanks again

On Saturday 13 November 2010 20:16:49 /dev/rob0 wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 06:51:53PM +0100, wrote:
> > I have to setup a postfix mailserver with speecial requirements
> > from the customer side:
> > 
> > They do not want their sender IP addresses being visible in the
> > mailheader as seen by the recipients. Reason: They sometimes
> > also communicate with competitors and they fear to get spied
> > through geolocalization of their sender IP addresses (many of
> > them are road warriors).
> For Unix shell users, this is easy: ssh to your server and run
> mutt(1) or alpine(1) or the like. Yes, I know that's not relevant in
> your case, but it's fun to mention. :)
> If you're already using OpenVPN to secure their access to office
> resources while on the road, consider that email is an office
> resource too. Simply point the MUA to run throuugh the VPN, and
> nothing useful can be gleamed from your Received: headers.
> > Can this be done via postfix configuration or postfix compile
> > options or available postfix patches ? Or in another way ?
> As Jeroen mentioned, header_checks(5) REPLACE or IGNORE action does
> this, no patching nor recompile needed. Search the list archives,
> there have been examples to do this very thing posted before. No,
> your requirement is not so unusual nor special.

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