Noel Jones put forth on 11/18/2010 7:24 AM:
> On 11/18/2010 12:49 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> Victor Duchovni put forth on 11/17/2010 11:53 PM:
>>> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 06:28:21PM -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have a header_checks pcre that would allow me to reject or
>>>> discard any email with an encoded subject
>>> This is unwise.
>> Thanks for the caution Victor.  I've implemented something with off list
>> help from Noel to prepend a custom header.
> ... who also warned you it's guaranteed to match legit mail.

Not the way I've implemented it.  It's a "last one percent" filter.
Actually, probably less than one tenth of one percent.  It's the very
last sort line in my sieve script, so any legit mail that the PCRE
PREPENDs will be filed correctly before reaching the sieve rule that
dumps the rest into the "possible spam" folder.  As of now nothing is in

Interestingly, since I implemented this, not a single email of any kind
has been prepended.  Maybe I need to modify that expression.  Or, maybe
I've just not received anything yet with an encoded Subject: header.


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