On 2010-12-10 thussvm wrote:
> Because of a domain move we're doing, we're trying to add a reply-to
> header in postfix when no reply-to header is already present. The rule
> we're using is:
> !/^Reply-To/ prepend Reply-To: "Support" <supp...@ourdomain.org>
> However, since the check is being applied to each header line we get a
> bunch of reply-to's prepended instead of just one. Is there a regex we
> can use to say:
> If no reply-to header exists anywhere in the headers
>    then prepend one reply-to header

As others have already said: header_checks inspects one header at a time,
not all headers as a whole.

If your mail goes through Postfix only once, you could try prepending
some unique header (e.g. Subject or Message-ID) with the Reply-To

  if /^message-id:/
    /^message-id:/ PREPEND Reply-To: "Support" <supp...@example.org>

However, that's merely a workaround (and an ugly one at that), not a
real solution.

And please use RFC 2606 domain names instead of some made-up fake domain
that may actually be a real domain belonging to someone else. That's why
the domains in RFC 2606 are reserved after all.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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