Le 20/12/2010 17:55, Christian Roessner a écrit :

Yes, that will work fine if you put your check_sender_access rule under 

I am unsure if that works. I thought that check_sender_access only uses the 
envelope-from tag.

It is.

So where is the difference between putting it in smtpd_recipient_restrictions 
or waiting for the end of the DATA phase?Think, I don't understand :-)

smtpd_recipient_restrictions is called for _every_recipient. so mail is sent to 3 recipients, a check will apend the header 3 times.
end of data is unique in a transaction.
moreale of the story: do what Noel suggested.

MAIL FROM:<whate...@example.org>
220 OK
RCPT TO:<....>    <-- Testing here, if in smtpd_recipient_restrictions
220 OK
RCPT TO:<....>    <-- and again, producing the duplicate??


220 OK
.<CR><LF>  <-- Testing after this point, if in smtpd_data_restrictions. But 
does this behave differently then the above?

of course. there is only one DATA command in a transaction. while there may be many recipients.

So I thought I need a different method and configured header_checks:

# header_checks

if !/^VBR-Info:.*roessner-net(work-solutions)?/
/^From:....@roessner-net\.com/                 PREPEND VBR-Info: 
md=roessner-net.com; mv=dwl.spamhaus.org; mc=all
/^From:....@roessner-network-solutions\.com/   PREPEND VBR-Info: 
md=roessner-network-solutions.com; mv=dwl.spamhaus.org; mc=all

Headers are checked one at a time with no state kept, so the above will never 
work.  Put your check_sender_access rule in smtpd_data_restrictions.

The rules shown above are for header_checks. That seems to do the trick,

the if part is useless. what you are doing is:

for each header:
  if this is not a ^VBR and if it is a ^From, then PREPEND ...
which obviously is the same as
  if it is a ^From

in short, you can remove the "if !/^VRB...." and acompanying "endif".

but your rule depends on the presence of a From header, which is the standard but is not necessarily true. and also, there may be multiple FRom headers (although this is bad).

anyway, reading your prepend info tells us that you're trying to do something regarding spamhaus based on the From header. This is most probably wrong. if you tell us what you're trying to do, we will tell you why you are wrong ;-p

but I have to add no_header_body_checks to the receive_overide_options in the 
return socket. Unfortunately this also disables header checking for incoming 
MTA connections. I would need a different return socket for amavis, but I do 
not know how to tell amavis in its policy_banks to use a different 
forward-/notify-method :-( So this is something I asked on the amavis-users 
list right now.

$interface_policy{'12345'} = 'BLAHBLAH';
$policy_bank{'BLAHBLAH'} = {
#        forward_method => 'smtp:[]:10024',
#        bypass_spam_checks_maps  => [ 1 ],
#        bypass_banned_checks_maps => [ 1 ],
# ....

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