Yaoxing put forth on 12/24/2010 9:20 AM:

> The list comes from our clients' subscriptions. However, we didn't
> verify the ownership of the emails before which maybe lead to invalid
> email addresses. This is what we can improve in future.

You should have already had a process in place for "list vetting" before
you decided to send bulk email on behalf of a "client".  You are
functioning as an Email Service Provider or "ESP" in your current
described capacity, or you are simply a spammer.  If you are bulk
emailing on behalf of a client _without_ already having a list vetting
process in place then you _ARE_ a spammer, by definition.

If you are a trying to be a "legit" bulk mailer, you need to implement
an automated COI process.  COI - Confirmed Opt In.  This means you have
a closed loop system for web based subscriptions where people can sign
up and remove themselves at will.  Typically this is done with a mailing
list manager program such as GNU Mailman or majordomo on *nix platforms.
 If you need to integrate this with a Microsoft database that's clue you
will have to create yourself or acquire software that's already been
written for this purpose.  There surely already is as you can't be the
first person to have such a need.

DONT'T USE THIRD PARTY LISTS!!  If your email subscribers actually want
your mailings, setup a subscription URL that they can visit to sign up
for your newsletters.

The fact that you have done none of these things already shows that you
are a spammer, whether you consider yourself one or not.  There are
masses of online resources that teach one to properly do legit bulk
mailing.  Google.

If you _are_ a legit bulk mailer, I'd suggest you sign up with an ESP
like Constant Contact and have them do your mailings for you.  They have
all of the vetting processes in place, and will teach you how to
properly do legit bulk mailing, COI, etc.  There obviously is a fee for
their services, but it will be more than cost effective if you have
legitimate subscribers who want your newsletters/product fliers/whatever.

Your current "shoot from the hip" method of bulk mailing is never going
to fly in today's world.  This is why you're already listed on dns black
lists and being wholesale rejected by Yahoo.

Given your current methods, you need to immediately stop all of your
bulk mailings until get a proper closed loop subscription service up and
running, whether you do that in house or with an ESP like Constant Contact.

If you are a legit bulk mailer, please have a Merry Christmas.  If you
are a spammer, choke on your eggnog.


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