On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 14:45:16 +0100
Jeroen Geilman <jer...@adaptr.nl> articulated:

> On 12/28/10 2:41 PM, mouss wrote:
> >
> > your postfix has support for AUTH. If you also have dovecot, then
> > it's easier to use dovecot-auth. otherwise, use cyrus sasl.
> If he doesn't have dovecot, it is still easier than cyrus :)

I have never had a problem with cyrus-sasl configuration and usage. I
am presently using cyrus-sasl with mysql and it works flawlessly. I have
had problems in the past with Dovecot and authentication when Dovecot
was updated. I honestly don't remember the last time that I had to
update cyrus though. In any case, I prefer to keep things isolated in a
situation like this. It makes debugging easier, or at least for me it

As a side note, there appears to be a problem on FreeBSD with the
recent update of MySQL-5.5.8 and Postfix/Dovecot. I cannot confirm this
since I have not updated to that version of MySQL as of yet myself.

Jerry ✌
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