On 13/01/11 16:00, Wietse Venema wrote:
> There have been a few late changes to clean up the postscreen user
> interface. I left in some backwards compatibility support for early
> adopters. The backwards compatibility will be removed by the time
> of the Postfix 2.8 stable release.

I get the following warnings with postfix-2.8-20110112 even though I
don't use any more postscreen_whitelist_networks and
postscreen_blacklist_networks in my configuration having replaced them
by the new postscreen_access_list.

Jan 14 10:53:12 rosalia postfix/postscreen[1328]: warning: The
postscreen_whitelist_networks and postscreen_blacklist_networks features
will be removed soon. Use postscreen_access_list instead
Jan 14 10:53:12 rosalia postfix/postscreen[1328]: warning: To stop this
warning, specify empty values for postscreen_whitelist_networks and

with postscreen_whitelist_networks and postscreen_blacklist_networks
being replaced by postscreen_access_list, would it be a good idea to
change postfix's default valule of postscreen_whitelist_networks to
blank to avoid having to specify an obsolete parameter in the
configuration? I don't see any danger in that, as whoever has not set
those parameters explicitly should not need the warning and their
configuration will be working with the new postscreen_access_list.


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