Wietse Venema put forth on 2/7/2011 1:05 PM:

> getpwnam() is not a good example because Postfix uses proxymap from
> inside the jail, but you get the idea.

Here's a good example Wietse, one you helped me figure out/fix a couple of years
ago.  Before Lenny (Released Feb 2009), Debian didn't create a syslog socket for
the Postfix jail.  Thus, manually restarting the syslog daemon caused odd
Postfix logging behavior.  We were actually troubleshooting something unrelated
when we noticed the log problem.  I had made changes to my syslog config and
restarted the daemon some months prior and had forgotten about it.  Due to my
zero experience with chroot, it took Wietse a couple of emails to explain what
was happening, for which I was grateful.

So I understand, from first hand experience, what kind of unnecessary problems
the Debian Postfix chroot jail can cause, and the time it can waste.


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