
> I am trying out the postscreen server - and am very impressed so far. My 
> original interest was in greylisting - so I have the deep protocol tests 
> turned on so that the temporary failure code 45x is returned for 
> non-whitelisted clients.
> During my testing - I noticed that the small trickle of spam that still makes 
> it past postscreen reattempts immediately after a 45x with no delay, whereas 
> genuine mail will wait at least a few minutes before reattempting after a 45x.

I hope, I may ask, but if a client is able to queue mail after a 45x, wouldn't 
this same client come back after 300 seconds, too? And so skipping the 
greylisting barrier? Or are there some bots outside that can do that? But even 
then, they might be lucky at a later time, when the host, where they live on, 
returns (even with dynamic IP; just a question of patients).

Bachelor of Science Informatik
Nahrungsberg 81, 35390 Gießen
F: +49 641 5879091, M: +49 176 93118939
USt-IdNr.: DE225643613

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