Craig Waddington:
> Hi,
> I am trying out the postscreen server - and am very impressed so far. My 
> original interest was in greylisting - so I have the deep protocol tests 
> turned on so that the temporary failure code 45x is returned for 
> non-whitelisted clients.
> During my testing - I noticed that the small trickle of spam that still 
> makes it past postscreen reattempts immediately after a 45x with no 
> delay, whereas genuine mail will wait at least a few minutes before 
> reattempting after a 45x.
> So - my question - do we know if it will be possible to enforce a delay 
> after the 45x before a reconnect is accepted? I have seen references to 
> a postcreen_greylist_threshold parameter in a postscreen strawman 
> document, and am wondering whether this, or some other configuration 
> will allow the exclusion of clients who respond instantly to a 45x?

To greylist, see:

On th eother hand, making the "PASS NEW" event a trigger for a
penalty time should require little new code. I added support for
"penalty time" late last year but it is currently unused for lack
of a "trigger" mechanism. Penalty time means the client gets 4xx
replies until the penalty time expires.

Penalty time after "PASS NEW" is a relatively crude mechanism
compared to real greylisting, but it might do the job. Perhaps
later in the year.


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