On Wed, 9 Feb 2011 15:18:39 -0500 (EST), Wietse Venema
<wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> postscreen currently does not implement greylisting - smtpd(8)
> currently can do that with policy daemons.

Yes but they do it very late in the process
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
                 check_policy_service inet:

If possible, expensive tests like check_policy_service should be  in
postscreen, i.e., outside any real smtpd and processed even before
postscreen's first 451.

> As for the other features, perhaps you can translate them into
> plain language, and then we can see if there is an equivalent.

If it is not planned to enable postscreen to do greylisting,
then the purpose of my question is greatly reduced.

I know that any attempt at doing greylisting needs either some kind of
db, or probabilistic data structures like, for instance, Bloom filters
(the Gross Posfix greylister does just this), but if I am not wrong 2.8
already includes hooks for SQLite.

> >   How would one configure postscreen's parameters to act like the
> > spamd defaults, i.e., passtime = 25 m, greyexp to 4h, and whiteexp
> > to 864h ?

It is all (and in better English than mine) at spamd's man page


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