On 2/21/2011 9:36 PM, sunhux G wrote:
Sending outgoing emails from this dovecot/postfix server is Ok
(ie emails received at destination) but incoming mails keep
getting the logs below :

smtp.myportaltech.com[]:25: Connection timed out
Feb 21 16:37:04 hostname postfix/smtp[1381]: 8B35C200060:
to=<recipient_...@myportaltech.com>, relay=none, delay=30,
delays=0.1/0.01/30/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to
smtp.myportaltech.com[]:25: Connection timed out)

This log snippet is postfix trying to send mail. Did you mean to explain that this is your own host trying to send to itself? Some routers don't allow loopback connections, so you can't always connect to your own external IP.

Anything logged by postfix/smtpd ?

So if you
telnet localhost 25
does anything interesting happen?

Can you telnet to port 25 from some external host?

Even if I'm inside the box itself&  send emails to myself, it was not
received too (despite that sending to external emails including gmail
was Ok) :

# mailx -s "tst to localhost" myunixid@localhost<  /etc/hosts
# mailx -s "tst to myportaltech" myuni...@myportaltech.com<  /etc/hosts
# mailx -s "tst to hostname" myunixid@`hostname`<  /etc/hosts
# mailx -s "tst to local private IP" myunixid@private_IP_addr<  /etc/hosts

What shows up in the maillog when you do this?

# su - myunixid
$ mailq
/var/spool/mqueue is empty
                 Total requests: 0

That looks like sendmail, not postfix. Maybe your system is confused about which mailer it should be using.

Any "sendmail" log entries?  There shouldn't be.

  -- Noel Jones

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