On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 10:55:25PM +0100, Ulrich Mierendorff wrote:

> I am using an after queue-content filter that signs outgoing emails 
> (dkimproxy). My problem is that these messages are modified AFTER the 
> signature was added which breaks the signature. As far as I can see, "\n" 
> is replaced by "\r\n"

As required by SMTP standards. SMTP messages lines are separated by CRLF
not "CR" or "LF" alone.

> and "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" is replaced by 
> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable".

This happens when the destination does not support 8bitmime.

> I have no problem with these 
> modifications in general, but I would like if postfix could do these 
> modifications BEFORE passing the mail to my filter. And I currently do not 
> know how I can enable this.

Remove "8BITMIME" from the EHLO features of the proxy or the Postfix
SMTP server behind it (if the proxie's EHLO response is just copied
from downstream).

> My current work-around is to correctly format my emails in my software 
> before they are sent to postfix so that the messages are not modified at 
> all. But that is not the best solution.

Actually that *is* the best solution. Send 7-bit encoded mail with
correct line endings.


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