On 31/03/2011 18:39, Victor Duchovni wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:15:55AM +0200, Ultrabug wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I'm facing a problem where I have to adapt and optimize my smtp servers
>> to a host's constraints which are as follow :
>> - maximum 3 connections to each MX of the host (he has 10 MX so
>> potentially I should be able to make 30 connections)
> What happens if you happen to exceed the limit on particular host
> among the 10? If it just quickly returns a 4XX code, and does not
> penalize future connections, ignore this limit and let Postfix do
> what it does by default.

The result is pretty much that they deny any further email with 4XX
codes AND penalize further connections. It just stops accepting any new

>> - maximum 1000 connections per MX per hour
> Connection caching should help if volume is high enough to worry about
> this. Note this is just less than one connection every 3 seconds, but
> Postfix caches idle connections for 2 seconds, so if your output rate
> is 1200 messages spaced perfectly 3 seconds apart, you lose, but this
> is fairly unlikely.

Ok, connection caching I do already and I don't think to fall into this

>> - maximum 100 emails sent per connection
> Postfix has no such limit, instead a connection is retired if idle
> for more than 2 seconds, or after 300s (tunable). Again the site
> should just return a 4XX response to RSET, and Postfix will drop
> the connection and build a new connection, probably to another host.
>> My problem is that this setup is far from optimal compared to the
>> limitations and it slows down a lot my email delivery rate to these domains.
>> Anyone have any tips on how I could do this better please ?
> The receiving sites policies are stupid if they don't implement
> them sensibly by just returning 4XX responses without penalizing
> subsequent transactions.
> Have you in fact observed that default Postfix settings run into trouble
> with this site?

Oh yes, it ends up with thousands of mails deferred which in turn would
try again at a too high rate so the pile remains deferred etc etc

 Have you considered the less aggressive concurrency
> feedback controls in Postfix 2.5?
>     slow_initial_concurrency = 2
>     slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 15
>     slow_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit = 5
>     slow_destination_concurrency_positive_feedback = 1/5
>     slow_destination_concurrency_negative_feedback = 1/8

This sounds interesting indeed, I didn't understand fully these
cohort/feedback options, I'll give them a try !

> and if absolutely necessary, in master.cf:
>     slow      unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
>       -o smtp_connection_reuse_time_limit=30s
> (the remote side starts rejecting traffic consistently instead of
> sending 421 for the 100th RSET over a given connection).

Many tanks for your time and help

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