On 04/04/2011 11:26 PM, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 02:02:17PM -0700, email builder wrote:


I've found that in main.cf, this works fine:

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport1 hash:/etc/postfix/transport2

But not in master.cf (under a smtpd process definition):

   -o transport_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/transport1 hash:/etc/postfix/transport2
The only Postfix service that consults the transport table is
trivial-rewrite(8), which in turn is consulted by smtpd(8), cleanup(8),
qmgr(8), ... with the main routing decision made in qmgr(8).

Postfix parameter settings don't get recorded in the queue file as
the message moves through the various stages of processing. Each
service (smtpd(8), cleanup(8), qmgr(8), smtp(8), ...) has its
own view of the configuration settings.

I thought some services could add extra info to queue messages, such as a content_filter or smtpd proxy ? This needs to include the last-previous hop it was supposed to go to before hitting either of the above, so it can continue there when it returns from external processing, i.e. no extra lookup for the transport route is done after returning from a content_filter - that was already set in cleanup.


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