On 5/4/2011 2:36 PM, Christopher Adams wrote:

I am attempting to get Postfix working as a relay to an Exchange 2010
server in the same subnet. The incoming mail may originate from the
same subnet, but it all goes through a central server that is outside
the subnet. I am doing this for troubleshooting connections between
the central server and the Exchange server, so it is only temporary.

It's unclear that putting postfix in the middle will help...

The outside server would route mail through the server running
Postfix, which would then relay to the Exchange server.

Will the postfix server also be handling outgoing mail?

To get the results that I want, without planning for a permanent setup
to relay to Exchange, what Postfix configuration parameters do I need
to set?

These are the parameters that I am guessing have to be tinkered with
and I have added some values, but am unsure about if I need to do
anything with the others. Since I don't want mail to be delivered
locally on the Postfix server, I am assuming that mydestination should
be empty?

start here:


Should include localhost and the exchange IP.

relay_domains = $mydestination, ip.of.outside.mailserver

Should be the domain name(s) you relay to exchange. eg. example.com

mydestination = (empty)



Your domain name, but shouldn't matter if postfix is used only as a relay.

relayhost = [exchange.server.ip]

That's OK if postfix is for incoming mail only.

If exchange sends outgoing mail through postfix you need to unset this (or set it to your central server if that's the internet gateway?) and use transport_maps to direct mail for your domain to exchange.

Thanks for getting me started in the right direction.


  -- Noel Jones

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