On 5/10/2011 5:32 AM, Voytek Eymont wrote:
can someone suggest some good docs/howtos on setting up 'multiple' (two)
Postfix servers for single domain.


company has office in AUS and Asia;
mail server is hosted in AUS, all interoffice Asia mail goes via AUS server,
would like a local LAN mail server in Asia office for interoffice mail, etc

suggestions appreciated

There is more than one solution, but they all involve making one or more lists of who goes to which server. Here's what I would do...

(this isn't a complete recipe, just guidelines)

Make a virtual_alias_maps list routing each user to the proper server. This same list can be used on both servers.
# virtual_alias_maps
us...@example.com  us...@sitea.example.com
us...@example.com  us...@siteb.example.com

Each postfix should be responsible for its own site name
# main.cf at siteA
mydestination = siteA.example.com ...

# main.cf at siteB
mydestination =siteB.example.com ...

make sure siteA and siteB either have an MX record, or add transport_maps entries so postfix can deliver the mail.

  -- Noel Jones

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