On 06/04/2011 02:59 AM, Eric Smith wrote:
Hello postfix world,

I seem to be receiving all of my emails excepting some from people who
have emails with yahoo email acounts.They are either taking up to 20 hours
in yahoo's queue or being returned.

The postfix is a spam filter (amavis/clamscan/SA) for an exchange forest
of 55 users, not many, so not much of a load. I am not getting any reports
from other legitimate domains sending us emails having this issue. I have
tried a bunch of things found on the internet, but the errors still exist.
This was not a problem on my prior filter build on postfix 2.2.10. I had
generally ignored such errors as my thinking was that these were caused by
poorly designed bots, that may be a mistaken assumption with this more
current postfix. I am thinking that there is more controls that I might be
missing. So please find below an error from a client at yahoo, examples or
the errors in postfix logs and my postfix -n output.

Thank you for any help or insights that you may have!


Client errors are like this,

Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
Message expired for domain techsoft3d.com<http://techsoft3d.com/>

And what have you configured that produces this message ?

Getting these sorts of errors from yahoo on my postfix 2.8.1 server,

Jun  3 17:32:02 loki postfix/smtpd[2579]: connect from
Jun  3 17:32:02 loki postfix/smtpd[2579]: C012C640593:
Jun  3 17:32:02 loki postfix/smtpd[2579]: lost connection after RCPT from
Jun  3 17:32:02 loki postfix/smtpd[2579]: disconnect from

tcp_windowsize = 256

Disable TCP windowing; there was a thread on this list not 3 days ago detailing how it can cause hard-to-find network issues.



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