On 06/04/2011 02:50 AM, Kendrick wrote:
I am trying to make it so that postfix takes specific actions when spam "from" my domian externally arrives. smtpd_recipient_restrictions / reject_unknown_... looked prommising but I dont see how to work it with the information given.

When a new message arrives with [from: somt...@mydomain.com] [to:somt...@mydomain.com] and sender ip address does not = $mynetworks i want to send connecting pc's ip to external scripts if possible and the least reject the message.

reverse dns lookup from my internal dns server would work as well. eventually I may be interested in having tls or something authenticate external users to send from mydomian but that is not a big concern right now. If need be vpn will solve that need.

any suggestions are appriciated. If I missed a how-to or something I appriciate the links. I dont always figure the best key words to find these things.

In main.cf:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/my_own_domains, reject_unauth_destination

and in my_own_domains:

    techsoft3d.com      REJECT


Or one of the other possible actions; there are quite a few, read the man page for details:



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