On 2011-07-05 gaby wrote:
>  I confuse smtp_tls..... parameters setings (i.e. smtp_tls_CAfile=...)
> with smtpd_tls_.... parameters setings.
> For postfix witth TLS which settings is used smtpd_tls.. or smtp_tls...?


Do you want encrypted connections from somewhere TO Postfix? That is
achieved by smtpd_tls_* (Postfix is the server).
Or do you want encrypted connections FROM Postfix to somewhere else?
That is achieved by smtp_tls_* (Postfix is the client).

>   What port is good for sent email via outlook express with postfix
> TLS 25 with requires a secure connections (SSL) or port 465 ?

Neither, nor. Use submission (port 587/tcp) for this purpose.

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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