On 2011-07-18 13:18, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On 2011-07-18 02:30:04 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
On 7/18/2011 1:29 AM, Marky Yehezkiel[SNC] wrote:
I am using postfix and want to certain recipient only receive email from
outside with certain subject. such as t...@mydomain.com only receive email
with subject  "test 1" and "test 2"
  Is it possible? If yes does anyone has done it ? and how to do that?
Something like this is probably better and more easily implemented in
your MDA's filter language.  What MDA are you using?
What if the admin wants to reject the mail if the subject is
incorrect (so that the sender knows that the message was not
accepted)? Doing that in the MDA is too late if one wants to
avoid possible backscatter. Or am I missing something?

If your receiving SMTPDs restrictions are sane, a reject from the MDA will not cause backscatter.
It will cause the correct DSN to be sent to the correct sender.

Anyway, if you must reject it at SMTP time, there is smtp_proxy to put $whatever in between.


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