On 2011-07-25 14:22, Erik - versatel wrote:
I have read and re-read this pages and other documents but still it seems not to work
I have changed a few things in my configuration:
in main.cf
I have changfed myorigen from
myorigen=host.domain.tld   into myorigen=$mydomain  (mydomain=domain.tld)
NOW the from is rewriten, so i have a good return address

mydestination=localhost, localhost@localdomain

That is not valid syntax for mydestination.

maquerade_domains=host.domain.tld domain.tld

Please, PLEASE, COPY AND PASTE the output of postconf -n.
Don't try to copy it by hand, this will get you nowhere with typos like this.

BUT still i cant change the local TO adress from host.domain.tld to domain.tld

If the above is really in main.cf, it won't - but then again, that should probably crash postfix altogether.

Why i want this.
(I dont want real UNIX users with mail, because the same password is used and this password is often sent over the internet.)

I have no idea what you think this means.

I have all virtual domains.

Except for localhost, then.

local users can sent a message, i want one of the virtual domains added and receive answers in the virtual mailboxes

What's to say they can't ?

I want mail by the system sent correctly to my virtual mailbox.

Then you must alias the local root address - or whichever local address system mail goes to - to a virtual one.

I'm still thinking about using cannonical for message TO ?rewrite
and .forward for systemmail

Neither is required; use masquerade_domains for the domain rewrite, and a local alias for the system mail.

Someone a nice idea

Chocolate-covered cashews.


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