Thanks again for the help everyone. I setup these postfix servers about 5 years ago. I've pretty much ignored then except for postfix updates since then. I know this probably wasn't the best idea but I got moved into a different department and could barely keep up.

Now I'm back and have the chance to do a complete re-install to new server hardware. I'm just wondering if anyone out there has some how to or best practices to follow. I'm going to use a Ubuntu 11.04 server install. I've got about 15 domains to accept mail for and just over 1000 users. I'm not worried about the setup of mysql/virtual server as I've done that a few times. My main goal is to figure out what I should have in each section of (smptd/client restrictions to help stop spam and not to be a open relay or back scatter host.


Stephen Atkins
Information Systems

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