On 8/15/2011 9:30 AM, Jerico2day wrote:
> Hey all, I'm wondering how best I can change the message ID in the
> header of emails. I use Zarafa 7x on an internal machine and I don't
> believe there is a way to change the header easily with that software.
> Here's an example from my email headers
> Message-Id: <zarafa.4e46e3b1.34ed.5958f4b758a6c...@my.domain.com>
> The problem is, is that "my.domain.com" is an internal server that
> sends mail to a relay server. I don't want people really seeing my
> internal domain or IP. I was able to change other parts of the header
> to remove my local address using header_checks.
> I'd like to have postfix dynamically change "my.domain.com" only on
> Message-Id header  to some arbitrary domain that would be
> public-facing for all outgoing mail and change it back for incoming
> mail.
> Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure how to do that. I would appreciate
> any assistance.
> Thanks!

You can mangle an existing Message-ID with the REPLACE action just
like any other header.

Maybe your mail arrives without a message-id, so there isn't one
there to mangle.  Postfix will insert a message-id if there isn't
one, and header_checks won't see the generated header.

  -- Noel Jones

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