Em 15/09/11 19:16, mouss escreveu:

      in that scenario, is it OK to backup the /var/spool/postfix folder
on the old machine and simply drop it on the new machine ?
please "stay with us". you said "I do nt have a spare machine" then "...
on the nwe machine"?? do you mean the new disk?

sorry ... as 'new machine' i meant to say on the 'new OS installed on the new disk on the same machine'.

Will that
keep the messages that were on the queue ? Of course, i'll completly
remove the var/spool/postfix on the new machine before doing that, im
not thinking on merging queues in anyway, i just want to get the queue
from the old machine and drop on the new one.

     will that work as expected, or it wont ?

you need to to stop postfix first, then you can copy the queue.

Nice to hear that ... i was already aware that the procedure would require postfix to be stopped, no problem on that.

    thanks for the advices mouss !


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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