On 2011-09-17 Reindl Harald wrote:
> for whatever reason after upgrade to "VMware Workstation 8" the
> address for the host in a nat-network has to be changed from
> "" to "" and was also changed for relayhost
> of a VM in main.cf
> but independet how often i restart the VM, postfix or even call
> "postqueue -f" some system-mails from before the change are hanging
> around
> what am i missing to tell postfix to recognize the change and deliver
> the messages?
> _____________________________
> postfix-2.8.5-7.fc15.rh.20110917.x86_64
> [root@testserver:~]$ cat /etc/postfix/main.cf
> relayhost =
> Sep 17 20:34:37 testserver postfix/smtp[15421]: AF3EB42A95: 
> to=<rhs...@test.rh>, relay=none, delay=14926, delays=14926/0.42/0.03/0, 
> dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]:25: 
> Connection refused)

You're long enough on this list to know that the contents of main.cf are
far less relevant than the output of "postconf -n". 

Did you restart Postfix after changing the config?
Did you try to re-queue the mail (postsuper -r ALL) instead of flushing
the queue?

Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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