On 09/24/2011 01:22 PM, Steve Weigold wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I'm testing a postfix install on a machine on my local lan.  Although I
> don't expect it to be relevant to the problem, it's an embedded debian
> system.  Postfix is configured to relay through an ISP email server to
> send outgoing emails (ie relayhost = my.isp.server).    Currently, it's
> set to accept SMTP from the local network (mynetworks =
> If I telnet to localhost and send the commands to create an email to an
> outside domain, the email is created and properly delivered.  System
> emails on the system are forwarded to an outside domain using root
> aliased to a local user aliased to an email address.   This is also
> working.  As such, I believe outgoing email functions properly.  
> Further, if I telnet to the machine from a debian linux box on the
> subdomain and repeat the process, this also works properly.
> I've noticed two issues:
> First, if I telnet to the machine from a windows box, I receive the
> greeting from the box, but there seems to be something corrupted in that
> the first command I send seems to be ignored until I send a second
> <enter> which I assume translates to <crlf>.  At that point, I get a bad
> syntax message from the box.  Further commands function properly though
> and the email is created and sent as expected.

Some anti-virus solution include a SMTP proxy that can break the
dialogue in a similar way. I've seen some McAfee versions doing
something like this


> Second, I have thunderbird (on the same windows box) configured to use
> the same outgoing SMTP connection for testing.  No authentication, port
> 25... etc.   Sending emails in this fashion times out.
> Wireshark monitoring of the transaction between thunderbird and the
> embedded box finds that the connection is made properly, the box issues
> the greeting, and the windows machine sends the TCP ACK to the 220
> greeting message.   Other than that though, there is no response from
> the windows box or thunderbird specifically to the 220 greeting until
> thunderbird gives up and I see the FIN and FIN, ACK TCP messages.
> I suspect the two observations are related, but thats as far as I've
> been able to get.
> Any help?
> I also should note that I also installed and maintain an email server
> running postfix on debian linux handling a dozen virtual domains.  I
> didn't have this problem there, so I don't think it's some kind of
> windows incompatibility as much as I'd like to blame windows :)
> Steve

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