On 13 Oct 2011, at 23:08, Joel Roberts <joel.robe...@pinkardcc.com> wrote:

> Hi all, new to the group. Have recently setup POSTFIX as an SMTP relay front 
> end to an Exchange 2007 backend. Have encountered the following issue:
> I'm using POSTFIX as an SMTP fronted relay to an Exchange 2007 backend. The 
> default size for attachments in POSTFIX is 10 MB. I've set that in the 
> configuration file to be 20 MB. When I look at postconf -n it verifies that 
> the limit is set to 20 MB, (message_size_limit = 20480000). I've stopped and 
> restarted the postfix service, but messages are still bounced back to my 
> Exchange server as undeliverable if they exceed 10 MB in size.) The 
> bounce-back message users receive lists the Debian Linux / Postfix server as 
> the server bouncing it back for exceeding size. Is there somewhere else this 
> needs to be set?
> The error message I get from exchange is:
> This message exceeds the maximum message size allowed. Microsoft Exchange 
> will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please make the message 
> smaller -- by removing attachments, for example -- and try sending it again, 
> or provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator.
> The following organization rejected your message: 
> Thank you,
> Joel Roberts
> Network Administrator

Prove it's Postfix that's rejecting your downstream mail. Show the Postfix 
logs; the eventvwr log from Exchange or the log of you following the Postfix 
author's suggestion of a telnet session and its output.

Did you check Curtis' suggestion too (that it's the Exchange Server that 
requires configuring also)?

-- Mark Homoky.

Sent from my iPhone

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