I'm getting errors like this from one particular sender:

Oct 19 13:54:13 pizza postfix/smtpd[31372]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
chocolate.egps.com[]: 450 4.1.8
Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<nob...@vps.mydomain.com> 
to=<sh...@ziskind.us> proto=ESMTP helo=<chocolate.egps.com>

where the capitalized domain name has been munged.
I'd like these email to get through.

(Apparently, MYDOMAIN.com is a real domain, but vps.MYDOMAIN.com isn't.)

I tried putting vps.MYDOMAIN.com into DNS in the postfix box, but that
didn't help (perhaps I didn't do it right?)

So, how can I whitelist this domain?

(postconf -n output found at http://www.ziskind.us/postconf.out)


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