
I'm trying to achieve the following:

Stop spammers (obviously)
Permit relaying when I'm outside the network (using SASL)

After reading through postconf, to prevent duplicate checks I removed
a number of checks from smtpd_sender_restrictions, so that it now
looks like this:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain,
reject_non_fqdn_sender, permit

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,
reject_unauth_destination, check_recipient_access
hash:/usr/pkg/etc/postfix/access, reject_unauth_pipelining,
reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain,
reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org, check_policy_service
inet:, permit

I have also set smtpd_delay_reject = yes

However my access file does not appear to be being used (specifies an
address to be rejected, but it isn't).

Please can someone sanity check the smtpd_recipient_restrictions line
for me and verify the order is correct.  I'm looking to move to 2.8,
but I want to make sure my config is correct before I do.

postconf -n attached.

Many thanks,


Attachment: postconf
Description: Binary data

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