
I have a Postfix+MySQL+Dovecot+PostfixAdmin[Lenny server] setup, and works very nice. But I need to put quota in my webmail[RoundCube], and after a long research in Internet, I see DoveAdm as a good option,the issue is...

- It´s DoveAdm a command part of Dovecot, if so, where is it?

- Or a script/package,if so, where can I download it? Because I don´t find the download link.

- Another simple way to implement quota in mail. I´m still reading/searching several ways to do the same with ease.

Thanks in advance & for your time.
Best regards.

*Leslie León Sinclair
*Administrador de Redes
*Facultad de Ingenieria Electrica, CUJAE.
*Calle 114 #11901 e/ Ciclovía y Rotonda
*Marianao 19390, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
*Tel: (53 7) 266-3321
*Miembro de GUTL ->  
*Another happy Slackware&  Debian GNU/Linux user
*Proud GNU/Linux User #445535 ->  http://counter.li.org/
*Katana yanai, otoko nanda.

Participe en Universidad 2012, del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2012.
Habana, Cuba: http://www.congresouniversidad.cu
Consulte la enciclopedia colaborativa cubana. http://www.ecured.cu

Participe en el Segundo Congreso Medio Ambiente Construido y Desarrollo Sustentable (MACDES 2011) del 6 al 9 de diciembre de 2011, Hotel Nacional, Habana, Cuba: http://macdes.cujae.edu.cu

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