
we have a two ISP setup and each ISP provides us with an mail relay accessible within their networks.
So we have in our postfix configurations
relayhost = [relaying.ISP1.com]
smtp_fallback_relay = [relaying.ISP2.com]
to provide some fault tolerance. This works pretty good in case we have problems with one of our ISPs.

Yesterday ISP1 changed the IP address of his relay. Therefore the routing rules on the firewall didn't match any more and the packets went down the wrong way. Consequently they were rejected by the relay:

Nov 9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/pickup[14967]: 4D0373A2C7: uid=104 from=<XY> Nov 9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/cleanup[15247]: 4D0373A2C7: message-id=<20111109075603.4D0373A2C7@mailhost> Nov 9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/qmgr[1496]: 4D0373A2C7: from=<x...@opti-serv.de>, size=1072, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Nov 9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/smtp[15249]: 4D0373A2C7: to=<x...@opti-serv.de>, orig_to=<XYZ>, relay=relaying.ISP1.com[aa.bbb.ccc.ddd]:25, delay=0.14, delays=0.03/0.01/0.07/0.03, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host relaying.ISP1.com[aa.bbb.ccc.ddd] said: 554 5.7.1 <x...@opti-serv.de>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)) Nov 9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/bounce[15250]: 4D0373A2C7: sender non-delivery notification: 70A193A2C8
Nov  9 08:56:03 mailhost postfix/qmgr[1496]: 4D0373A2C7: removed

So, first question is: why doesn't postfix try to deliver the mails through the fallback relay? Second question: Even if I had no fallback relay defined, I wouldn't like the mails to be discarded as happened here. Is there a way I can instruct postfix to keep the mails in his queue (at least to maximal_queue_lifetime ), so that they can be delivered when the problem is solved?

Postfix is running under Debian with default values, except the settings of relayhost and smtp_fallback_relay.

Thank you for any advice,


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