On Saturday 19 November 2011 08:51:16 you wrote:
>  and relevant log output.

After I sent the other info I realised I hadn't done this part.  Shock! 
/var/log/maillog has no entry since last Monday.  Looking back to Logwatch 
covering Monday, I see

--------------------- Postfix Begin ------------------------ 

        9   Miscellaneous warnings 
    1.841M  Bytes accepted                         1,930,000
    1.841M  Bytes delivered                        1,930,000
 ========   ================================================
      200   Accepted                                  93.46%
       14   Rejected                                   6.54%
 --------   ------------------------------------------------
      214   Total                                    100.00%
 ========   ================================================
       14   Reject unknown user                      100.00%
 --------   ------------------------------------------------
       14   Total Rejects                            100.00%
 ========   ================================================
      160   Connections made      
        5   Connections lost      
      160   Disconnections        
      202   Removed from queue    
      140   Delivered             
       61   Sent via SMTP         
        1   Forwarded             
        2   Resent                
        3   Postfix start         
        3   Postfix stop          
        1   Postfix waiting to terminate 
 ---------------------- Postfix End ------------------------- 

I assume that the 14 rejects are my attempts to get creativestitching's 
message out, as also is the restarting of postfix, but what about that "waiting 
to terminate"?  I don't recall seeing that before.

service postfix status
postfix.service - LSB: start and stop postfix
          Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix)
          Active: active (running) since Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:44:11 +0000; 4 
days ago
         Process: 1202 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix start (code=exited, 
          CGroup: name=systemd:/system/postfix.service
                  ├ 1290 /usr/libexec/postfix/master
                  ├ 1296 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
                  └ 7298 pickup -l -t fifo -u


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