Hi All,

On one of our servers, we experienced this strange behavior.

A mail was sent to 2 other ids on the same virtual domain.
LMTP delivered a warning
and then after almost 24 hrs the mail was successfully delivered.

Pls see the logs below :

# cat maillog | grep B082DCCEB6
Dec  9 13:24:25 ms1 postfix/smtpd[6462]: B082DCCEB6:
client=unknown[192.168.x.x], sasl_method=LOGIN,
Dec  9 13:24:25 ms1 postfix/cleanup[24260]: B082DCCEB6:
Dec  9 13:24:25 ms1 postfix/qmgr[21077]: B082DCCEB6:
from=<x...@domain.tld>, size=11809, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Dec  9 13:53:15 ms1 postfix/lmtp[20066]: warning: open active
B082DCCEB6: No such file or directory

# cat maillog | grep B082DA4218
Dec 10 11:59:27 ms1 postfix/qmgr[12420]: B082DA4218:
from=<x...@domain.tld>, size=11809, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Dec 10 12:03:59 ms1 postfix/lmtp[30172]: B082DA4218:
to=<y...@domain.tld>, relay=[relay-ip], conn_use=551, delay=81573,
delays=81302/272/0/0.19, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok,
id=31000-14-551, from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as
Dec 10 12:03:59 ms1 postfix/lmtp[30172]: B082DA4218:
to=<z...@domain.tld>, relay=[relay-ip]:10024, conn_use=551,
delay=81573, delays=81302/272/0/0.19, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250
2.0.0 Ok, id=31000-14-551, from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok:
queued as 9C664165F6F)
Dec 10 12:03:59 ms1 postfix/qmgr[12420]: B082DA4218: removed

My questions are ==>

a) Why did LMTP give a warning. Where did the message as mentioned in
the Queue-Id go ?
b) How was it picked up and delivered almost 24 hrs later with a
different Queue-Id ?
c) Why did it take so long to send this mail ? Assuming this happens
again, can we reduce this delay time to something like, say 2 hrs ?


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