On 15/12/2011, at 5:28 PM, Noel Jones wrote:

>> Thanks again... what if i just wanted postfix to check a mysql-based list of 
>> approved sending email addresses and/or domains? e.g. NOT associate it with 
>> a SASL login but has an approved sender list. e.g. all SASL login's would be 
>> able to send "from" all of the domains/addresses on the list? (I'm thinking 
>> of a specific situation where i would need this).
>> Simon
> That's easy enough to do with a check_sender_access map.  Assuming
> an MSA (user submission only, no general incoming mail), something
> as simple as:
> smtpd_sender_restrictions =
>  check_sender_access hash:/path/to/allowed_senders
>  reject
> With allowed_senders table something like
> us...@example.com  OK
> example.org     OK
> Any sender not on the approved list gets rejected.  Do this in
> smtpd_sender_restrictions to avoid possible open relay accidents
> that could occur if you do this test in smtpd_recipients_restrictions.
> These restrictions could also be put into master.cf as -o options on
> the submission or smtps services.

Thanks Noel, What if i needed todo this with SASL-authenticated "senders"... 
This is my current setup:

smtpd_sender_restrictions =

Can you assist me to get the order correct here? I would like 
permit_sasl_authenticated as well as check_sender_access (from a mysql table) 
if possible... 

Many thanks!


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