Claudio Prono:
> > As i can see, the vacation reads the first line of the message, then
> > exit...but i don't know why....
> >
> > Any suggestion about this?

Perhaps this is a good time to RTFM the vacation manual page.

       Vacation  returns  a message, ~/.vacation.msg by default, to the sender
       informing them that you are currently not reading your mail.  The  mes-
       sage  is  only  sent  to  each  sender  once per reply interval (see -r

       -r interval
              Set the reply interval to interval days.   The  default  is  one
              week.   An interval of ``0'' or ``infinite'' (actually, any non-
              numeric character) will never send more than one reply.  The  -r
              option  should  only  be used when the vacation database is ini-
              tialized (see -i above).


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