On 12/21/2011 5:30 PM, Peter wrote:
> On 22/12/11 04:56, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

>> or discarded.

> There is nothing more frustrating than trying to figure out why your
> emails are not going through to your customers than when they are
> accepted for delivery and *not* delivered.  I have very little patience
> for anyone who insists on doing this.

That's because you're confusing discarding spam with discarding legit
mail.  Maybe your spam filters or your own special A/S sauce simply suck?

>> The world is shades of grey Peter, not black and white.  SMTP RFCs even
>> have grey areas Peter.  I believe they are worded as "may" instead of
>> "should".
> Yes, and the world is full of email admins who don't know what they're
> doing, what was your point again?

The LKML list manager, and many others across the globe, treat 5xx
rejections of their list mail as bounces, and unsub members after a
given threshold, 3 IIRC in the case of LKML lists (of which there are
many dozen, 4 which I sub).  I was told I must simply eat the spam along
with the rest, or not participate.  Yes, this is a stupid draconian
policy, but I must live by their rules, or not participate.

Thus, I DISCARD most of the spam from such lists instead of eating it,
then manually deleting it, or sorting it to a spam folder and then
deleting it as you apparently do.  Why do all the extra work when a
DISCARD does it for me with zero fuss?

This is why I said the world is shades of grey Peter.  In some
circumstances DISCARD simply works, and is a better option than anything
else, including the swallow/regurgitate/spit routine that you preach here.


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