On Sunday 01 January 2012 21:56:43 Roman Gelfand wrote:
> I see there is a way to whitelist domain.

Numerous ways, depending on what you mean by "domain".

> Is it possible to whitelist sender email address?

FWIW (very little, in fact) there is check_sender_access. Not a good 
tool for whitelisting, because every email address is used as sender 
by spammers, sooner or later.


> Also, if I am running several filters, will postfix
> automatically disable filtering for this sender email address?

Nothing is automatic. You either configure filtering, or not. Why 
would you want to bypass filtering? Do you want to receive "bad" 
content [which claims to be] from that address?

You might do better here if you describe the problem you have that 
you're wanting to solve. Generally I believe that whitelisting is the 
wrong approach when spam blocking is too aggressive; if you take out 
unsafe and unreasonable restrictions, most good mail will go through.

If you're having trouble implementing something, see here:

  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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