On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 12:54:46PM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:
> /dev/rob0:
> > Postfix 2.9.0-RC2, trying to send to an external address with
> > an apostrophe:
> > 
> > rob0@chestnut:~$ fortune -o | mail -so "Joe's"@example.net
> > rob0@chestnut:~$ mailq
> > ----Queue ID----- --Size-- ---Arrival Time---- 
> > --Sender/Recipient------
> > 3TZMM8068wzp1Qr        405 Fri Jan 27 08:05:08 rob0
> >                                                Joe's...@example.net
> > 
> > and this is logged:
> > 
> > Jan 27 08:05:08 chestnut postfix/pickup[20923]: 3TZMM80HjFzBn8B2: 
> > uid=1007 from=<rob0>
> > Jan 27 08:05:08 chestnut postfix/cleanup[20967]: fatal: 
> > dict_sqlite_lookup: /etc/postfix/query/maps-valias.query: SQL 
> > prepare failed: near "s": syntax error?
> Postfix runs the search string through sqlite3_mprintf("%q"), which
> is documented to double single quotes to avoid SQL syntax troubles
> when the string is used in a query like this:
>     SELECT select_field FROM table WHERE where_field = '%s'
> You can verify that this happens with verbose Postfix logging.

Changed cleanup and trivial-rewrite to -v, reloaded.

$ fortune -o | mail -so "Joe's"@example.net ; sleep 2 ; mailq
----Queue ID----- --Size-- ---Arrival Time---- 
3TZSg13DMWz1mZx        454 Fri Jan 27 12:04:13 chuck

-- 0 Kbytes in 1 Request.
$ sqlite3 --version

Logged (a bunch of other stuff and) this query:

Jan 27 12:04:13 chestnut postfix/cleanup[22861]: dict_sqlite_lookup: 
/etc/postfix/query/maps-valias.query: Searching with query SELECT 
TA.localpart || (CASE WHEN VA.extension
IS NOT NULL?  THEN '-' || VA.extension ELSE '' END) ||?  (CASE WHEN 
TD.id=0 THEN '' ELSE '@' || TD.name END)?FROM Alias AS VA?  JOIN 
Address AS TA ON (VA.target = TA.id)?  JOIN Domain AS TD ON 
(TA.domain = TD.id)?  JOIN Address AS AA ON (VA.address = AA.id)?  
JOIN Domain AS AD ON (AA.domain = AD.id)?WHERE AA.localpart || '@' || 
AD.name IS 'joe's...@example.net'?AND VA.active!=0
---------------^ single apostrophe here

I will try with a more recent sqlite3 version, thanks.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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