I also tried to read this page but ...


You don't have permission to access /~hildeb/postfix/postfix_restriction_classes.shtml on this server.
Apache/2.2.8 Server at www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de Port 80

Le 28/01/2012 08:04, Frank Bonnet a écrit :
I read this page http://posluns.com/guides/classes/
before asking but i'm a bit confuse , sorry

Le 28/01/2012 07:54, Frank Bonnet a écrit :

I need some clarifications on the verify_sender statement :

What I would like to do :

When our MX receive an email from t...@domain.tld I would like
Postfix perform a DNS lookup to verify that the IP address of
the sender is really part of the domain "domain.tld" and if not
reject the email from t...@domain.tld saying :
"Your email has been rejected because
your IP address is not in the domain "domain.tld" "

Does verify_sender do that ?

Thank you

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