
In the logs, there are cases where some message seems to be coming from=<>.

This seems to be happening when local Postfix returns some delivery report to sender (sender delivery status notification).

In such cases PFLOGSUMM, instead of a domain name or full sender address, displays in the stats "from=<>".

Here are some examples:

Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received
 msg cnt   bytes   host/domain
 -------- -------  -----------

      1     1875   somehost.noa.gr
      1     1850   from=<>
      1     1806   chandler.mit.edu


Senders by message count
     44   us...@noa.gr
     43   from=<>
     42   us...@example.org

Senders by message size
   1936k  us...@example.gr
   1724k  from=<>
   1633k  us...@example.gr

Is it intended behavior? Or in such cases, pflogsumm could report using some pre-set term e.g. localhost (or the server domain name) and local-mailer@localhost (or even better the actual address used by postfix when delivering reports - see below) respectively?

Note: In our system, I see that delivery notifications ("Successful Mail Delivery Report") seem to be coming from:
Mail Delivery System <mailer-dae...@noa.gr>

Can I customize this in Postfix?

Thanks and best regards,

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