-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [mailto:owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] 
On Behalf Of Wietse Venema
Sent: 07 February 2012 13:33
To: Greg Wilson
Cc: Postfix users
Subject: Re: Transport: Multiple routes to internal domain

Greg Wilson:
> One attempt
> was to make 2 entries with the same host name in /etc/hosts
> e.g
> exchange.mydomain.local exchange
> 10.333.200.2
> exchange.mydomain.local exchange
> Then changed the transport map
> to
> mydomain.local smtp:[exchange.mydomain.local]
> My
> info is that the square brackets stop Postifix doing mx record lookups.
> This didn't work and I don't know why. It works fine with an

>That 's because LINUX does not support multiple /etc/hosts records per name.

>Use a better OS, use DNS, or use my smtp_fallback_relay solution.


Hi Wietse,

When you say a better OS, I'd be interested to know what your preference is.

Kind regards,

James Day
(IT Engineer)

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