Am 08.02.2012 07:06, schrieb N. Yaakov Ziskind:
> DN Singh wrote (on Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 10:50:50AM +0530):
>> The setting can be changed in the parameter "smtpd_sender_restrictions"
>> reject_unknown_sender_domain, if it is necessary.
> That would let in *all* mail from nonexistent domains, which I was
> hoping to avoid.

so what do you want?
let them in or reject them

>> Postfix looks up the the domain, and if it does not find any info, it
>> rejects the mail.
>> Anyways, the domain in the mail is indeed non-existent.
> But it's a subdomain of a valid domain, and it's a useful email ..
> What's the easiest way to let this email from this one sender through?

fix the dns of the sending domain
postfix is not interested in the "main-domain" as most software is not

you can simply no decide what is the main domain


with your logic you would let in all from ""?
have fun with that!

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