On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 06:35:11PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 17.02.2012 18:31, schrieb Simon Hintermann:
> > SENDER  (a...@toto.com) sends an email to b...@domain.com
> > ||
> > v
> > WEBSERVER (b...@domain.com forwards all mails to b...@yahoo.com)
> > ||
> > v
> > MAIL GATEWAY (local domains: domain.com) sees a mail with a "From: 
> > a...@toto.com" header and says that this is an
> > unwanted mail
> > ||
> > v
> > warning and pass to yahoo.com or simply drop...
> why does WEBSERVER does forward anything?
> forwarders have to be configured on the MTA/MDA and
> then your problems does not exist at all

I am in a similar situation, and would like to bar people from using the
sendmail binary.

Having said that, I guess that Simon thinks of the case that the user is
using some webmail package, which could very well inject an email with a
sender @toto.com into the mail system.

Eg. my mutt is configured to set the envelope sender from the 'From:'
line, too, and a web application is equivalent to shell access, in his

Kind regards,

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