On 2/28/2012 09:27 PM, Noel Jones wrote: >Wildcard domain transports are probably a mistake, quite likely to come back and bite you later. >Anyway, your regexp is wrong. >... >So the user is unknown for a domain listed in $mydestination. >http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html >http://www.postfix.org/LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README.html > >You can use a regexp alias_maps something like >/^bounce\./ bounce@localhost >/^return\./ return@localhost
Thanks a lot Noel, your help and documentation resources were precious... Regexp was in cause (most of all that leading '^' and other little things), and aliases not correctly made as you stated... What had made me doubt was the fact that locally, server bounce/return were coped correctly on tests made, and stopped as soon as mail came externally.. I managed to cope mappings and transports based on regexp successfully this morning, based on your return.. (but most of all on more personalization to meet our needs, and limit risks of wildcard domain transports and other relay risks) Transport tests (postmap -q ..) return successfully attended actions, and live mails (external and local) are coped correctly, with all derivative expressions (those taken as example by rob0) discarded as expected.. On 2/28/2012 07:15 PM, /dev/rob0 wrote : >LEARN regular expressions if you plan to use them. KNOW what those metacharacters mean. KNOW how and when and why you need to anchor expressions. I just regret that as usual when asking information on mailing lists, certain 'so-named gurus' come to take you down regardless any explanations or any documentation. U don't have time, fine, don't waste mine not answering. I admit not having 12 years' experience in postfix and regexp, but am not a newbie neither and understand my errors and correct them when I can find explanations or am linked to it.. I was awaiting another view of my made error which I had evidently made.. Not searching open criticism for free... Once Again Noel, Thanks a lot, u made my day way better ;) Tugdual de Lassat