we are turks and we hate sex word :P

thank you all.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Larry Stone <lston...@stonejongleux.com>wrote:

> On Mar 12, 2012, at 3:14 AM, Selcuk Yazar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have a rule on header checks file like this;
> >
> > /^Subject:.*sex/              REJECT  "Bad Header 92"
> >
> > but last week our staff sen an email an it's subject is
> >
> > Subject: =
> >
> > thats why this mail rejected ? becouse of its contains Sex word :)
> >
> I'd suggest you put some more thought into this and why you want to reject
> all mail with the letters sex in the subject. Besides encoded subjects,
> there are lots of legitimate words (particularly place names) that contain
> sex (just off the top of my head, as a former New Jersey, USA resident,
> there are three counties ending in sex: Essex, Middlesex, and Sussex; lots
> more elsewhere in the world). Your check will reject legitimate mail that
> contains the names of these places.
> --
> Larry Stone
> lston...@stonejongleux.com
> http://www.stonejongleux.com/

Selçuk YAZAR

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