On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 03:33:16AM -0700, kalyanspeaks wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have used abc.com ( Example ) domain emails to relay directly to one
> exchange server by
> mentioneing the same in transports file. and all other domain mails
> should be relayed to another defualt relay server which i mentioned on
> main.cf file .
> The problem here is when iam sening email to abc.com.cn also it is
> trying to relay to exchange server which is mentioned in transports
> file...
> Transport file is as below
> /abc.com/ smtp:[IP Address of exchange server]
> Can anybody help here...

If I read the doc right, the regexp-implentation of the OS in use can
also be used in the transport file.

So you imo should write
/abc.com$/ smtp:[IP address of exchange server]

to only match lines that end with abc.com (under Linux regexps are
documented in 'man 7 regex'

As I don't have much clue of postfix, I'm not sure whether this is
helpful. Apologizes if not.

Michael P. Demelbauer
Arsenal, Objekt 20
1030 Wien
root@blarozzo:/# apt-get moo
  / |    ||   
 *  /\---/\ 
    ~~   ~~   
...."Have you mooed today?"...

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